The AFT treatment is specifically designed to dramatically reduce the appearance of sun damage, red spots and blemishes, rosacea, broken capillaries (including spider veins), acne scarring, and age spots (brown spots). Most people are familiar with IPL laser treatments, but technology is changing so quickly, causing innovative new products that achieve better results to be released all the time.
AFT effectively uses low energy light to gently heat and reduce skin imperfections in a unique “Equal Distribution” technique, which is different from the traditional IPL treatment. Most lasers produce only a single wavelength of light and are limited in what they can treat. However, with AFT (advanced IPL), the special light emits gentle energy pulses in many wavelengths, allowing the light to penetrate through the skin. Through a special spectrum filtering system that eliminates hot spots, the AFT IPL treatment is able to produce a more powerful, yet safe and effective treatment. The treated areas appear smoother and younger in just a single session, whereas IPL can often require 5 to 6 sessions.